Quality Enhancement Plan
What is a QEP?
A Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a five-year plan dedicated to improving an aspect of student learning. The QEP is a vital part of Mercer’s reaffirmation of accreditation process with our accrediting body, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Mercer is due for reaffirmation every ten years, with our next scheduled site visit in Spring 2026. The on-site evaluation team will devote a large component of their time evaluating the QEP.
Every institution of higher education that is accredited by SACSCOC develops a QEP as part of the reaffirmation of accreditation process. Additionally, each institution determines their own focus of the QEP, based upon the institution’s mission and strategic plans.
Our QEP will start in Fall 2026 and continue through Spring 2031.
According to the SACSCOC Handbook for Institutions Seeking Reaffirmation, the QEP includes the following expectations:
The QEP describes a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning and/or student success. The QEP should be identified through or in concert with the institution’s ongoing integrated institution-wide planning and evaluation process. (pp. 33)
Developing the QEP
The SACSCOC Handbook for Institutions Seeking Reaffirmation (pp. 34-40) suggests nine critical steps in the development of a QEP:
- Selecting a Topic
- Defining the Outcomes
- Researching the Topic
- Identifying the Actions to be Implemented
- Establishing the Timeline for Implementation
- Organizing for Success
- Assessing the Success of the QEP
- Preparing the QEP for Submission
Planning Timeline

QEP Screening Committee
- Dr. Wesley Barker, College of Professional Advancement (Chair)
- Dr. Kevin Honeycutt, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences/House of Delegates
- Ms. Barbara Love-Smith, Staff Council
- Dr. Suzi Madden, College of Health Professions
- Dr. Briana Stenard, Stetson-Hatcher School of Business
- Ms. Jamie Brown, Regional Academic Centers
- Dr. Timothy McReynolds, Townsend School of Music
- Dr. Loleta Sartin, Tift College of Education
- Dr. Donald Ekong, School of Engineering
- Ms. Kaitlynn Kressin, Alumna
- Dr. Caroline Anglim, School of Medicine
- Dr. Danielle Buehrer, Office of Institutional Effectiveness